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DIY Easy “Pantry” Spell for Prosperity

Hey there, fellow seekers of abundance! Have you thought about preforming a spell for prosperity recently? In a world where bills and financial worries can often weigh us down, the concept of manifesting prosperity can feel like a pipe dream. But what if I told you that you hold the power within yourself to invite wealth and success into your life, using nothing more than items you probably already have in your kitchen? Today, we’re embarking on an exciting journey together, one that delves into the mystical world of DIY prosperity spells. No, this isn’t about waving a magic wand and hoping for a lottery win – it’s about understanding the deep connection between intention, energy, and the everyday items we often overlook. So, grab that cup of tea, get cozy, and let’s explore how cinnamon, sugar, honey, a humble green candle, and a dash of belief can help you take charge of your financial destiny, all while savoring the sweet aroma of success. You don’t need to spend money on expensive tools and supplies to manifest money and abundance, if you’re in a pinch you probably don’t want to go out and spend a ton of money on spell work, right? That’s where the easy Pantry spell for prosperity comes in.


1. Green Candle: This represents prosperity.

2. Honey: For attracting

3. Cinnamon: Symbolizes wealth and success.

4. Sugar: Represents the sweetening of financial situations.

5. Bay Leaf: Symbolizes good fortune.

6. A Coin or Dollar Bill: As a tangible representation of wealth.


1. Cleanse Your Space: Start by cleansing your space. You can do this by smudging with sage or simply by tidying up and creating a clean, inviting atmosphere.

2. Set Your Intention: Focus on your intention for prosperity. Be specific about what you desire to attract.

3. Prepare the Candle: Carve a word or symbol that represents prosperity for you into the green candle. This can be as simple as the word “Prosperity” or a symbol like a dollar sign.

4. Dress the Candle: Rub a small amount of honey on the candle, starting from the middle and moving towards the top (for attracting) and then from the middle towards the bottom (for keeping). Roll the candle in a mixture of ground cinnamon and sugar to coat it.

5. Create an Incantation: While holding the candle, repeat an incantation that reflects your intention for prosperity. For example: “Prosperity flow, wealth come my way, with this candle’s glow, bring abundance today.”

6. Light the Candle: Place the candle in a safe holder and light it. As it burns, visualize the prosperity you desire manifesting in your life. Feel the positive energy filling your space.

7. Burn the Bay Leaf: Write your specific prosperity goal on the bay leaf. Light it using the candle’s flame and let it burn in a fireproof dish or bowl. Visualize your goal as you watch it burn.

8. Focus on the Coin or Dollar Bill: Hold the coin or dollar bill in your hands and infuse it with your intention for prosperity. Imagine it multiplying and growing.

9. Close the Spell: Allow the candle to burn down completely (or extinguish it safely if you can’t leave it unattended). Keep the coin or dollar bill in a safe place as a reminder of your intention for prosperity.

10. Express Gratitude: Before concluding, express gratitude for the prosperity that is on its way to you. Believe in the power of your spell and be open to opportunities.

This simple DIY prosperity spell can be performed with readily available items, and the key is to focus your intention and belief in the positive outcome you desire.